[Outlook of global asbestos consumption and movement] 20230303 ABAN So…
2024.03.24 09:56
<A review of global asbestos consumption trend and an outlook of ban asbestos movement by BANKO(Ban Asbestos Network Korea) and Eco-Health(Asian Citizen's Center for Environment and Health). 2024 March 24. in Korean>
This is a report about global perspective and 7 South Asian countries, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bangladeshi, Pakistan, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Maldives, at a South Asia Meeting of Asian Ban Asbestos Network(ABAN) held in Colombo 2024 March 3 hosted by ABAN and ANROEV(Asian Network for the Right of Occupational and Environmental Victim). Mr. Furuya Sugio presented this who is a coordinator of ABAN.
A workshop report of South Asia meeting of ABAN.